Referring You to Top-Notch Respite Care Services
Referring You to Top-Notch Respite Care Services
Caring for a loved one comes with lots of joy, but being a full-time caregiver is often incredibly stressful as well. No matter how much you love your elderly mother, aunt, or grandfather, you deserve a break every once in a while. Here’s where respite care comes in. Helping Hands for Seniors can match you with a reputable respite care provider and get you the time off you need to keep providing exceptional care for your loved one. Based in Portland, OR, we work with hundreds of preferred providers in Oregon, Washington, and California. With a variety of respite care options at your fingertips, you’re sure to find one that makes your loved one feel comfortable.
What Is Respite Care?
Respite care is a service offered to family caregivers who could use a break from their full-time caregiving responsibilities. This type of care is useful for seniors who have recently been discharged from the hospital, and many caregivers request respite care when they go out of town. Whether you need a short break from your responsibilities or your loved one could use some extra time under professional care, Helping Hands for Seniors is committed to helping you find the ideal respite care provider. Our team specializes in placing seniors in reputable respite care facilities for a minimum of one month. Please note that our staff does not match seniors with in-home care services, only long-term term respite care.

Types of Respite Care
Just like medical treatment and assisted living facilities, one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to respite care. We encourage families to explore several types of respite care providers to find the one that most closely matches their needs. Helping Hands for Seniors will work with you to narrow down your options, including those that provide:
- Temporary Care: Temporary care providers allow for short-term stays in respite care. This is a good option for your loved one if you plan to go on vacation or have to deal with an emergency. Helping Hands for Seniors finds temporary care for minimum one-month stays.
- Condition-Specific Care: Is your loved one living with dementia? Perhaps they’ve received an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. We can identify condition-specific care providers in your area.
Is Respite Care Right for Me?
This is a question that many family caregivers struggle with. They may have difficulty trusting someone else to provide for their loved one, even for a short period of time. However, respite care comes with a whole slew of benefits for the caregiver, their loved one, and their entire family. If you’re considering whether respite care is suitable for your situation, take into account these benefits:
- Time to Recharge: Full-time caregivers know how easy it is to get burnt out. Taking some time to relax and recharge not only improves your mental state but it can also make you a better and more compassionate caregiver in the long run.
- Promotes a Better Relationship: Caregivers often become frustrated with their loved ones after caring for them for a long time—and the same is true in the other direction! It’s only natural to get tired of someone you spend so much time with. Taking a break from each other can help strengthen your relationship.
- Encourages Social Connections: Elderly folks often feel isolated from the rest of their community. Spending time in respite care allows them to interact with their peers, as well as nurses and care center staff. And caregivers might also feel the social benefits of respite care, as they’ll have more free time to go out with friends, take vacations, and participate in the community.
Resources for Caregivers
Being a full-time caregiver is tough, no matter how robust your support system is. At Helping Hands for Seniors, we want to be a go-to resource for caregivers who are always trying to provide the best care for their aging loved ones. We offer plenty of informational resources, as well as referrals, for our clients. Simply reach out to us with your questions, and we’ll make every effort to provide a concise answer. Not only are we committed to outstanding resources for caregivers, but we also offer our service at no cost to you.
Get in Touch with Us Today
Does respite care sound like the breath of fresh air you’ve been needing? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Helping Hands for Seniors. We love helping caregivers and their loved ones live life to the fullest. Our team will learn more about your circumstances and match you with an exceptional respite care center in your community. We’ll match you with a respite care facility that will care for your loved for a minimum of one month. It’s our mission to locate safe and nurturing care centers for elderly folks—we welcome you to be a part of that mission.